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來源:Hellokid在線英語2020-05-11 19:44:34



英語中有句諺語:“教育一定要有趣”。的確,興趣是 好的老師,尤其是小學生。興趣是一種基本動力。教育心理學表明:當教學能激發(fā)學生的學習興趣,使學生能夠集中精力學習,更好的感性思維和想象,從而獲得更堅實的知識和技能,并使他們覺得學習不是一件很難的事或一個沉重的負擔,表現(xiàn)出喜悅和求知的欲望,探索知識的力量,激發(fā)克服困難的意志。小學生只是接觸英語,他們有很強的好奇心,也有學好英語的愿望,但沒有學習英語的經(jīng)驗。本文整理由hellokid英語網(wǎng)絡(luò)vd83.com

There is a proverb in English, "education must be interesting". Indeed, interest is the best teacher, especially for pupils. Interest is an essential motive force. Educational psychology shows that when teaching to stimulate students' interest, so that students will be able to focus on learning, better perceptual thinking and imagination, so as to obtain more solid knowledge and skills, and make them feel that learning is not a hard thing or a heavy burden, to show the joy and desire for knowledge, to explore the power of knowledge, arouse the will to overcome difficulties. Primary school students just contact English, they have a strong curiosity, but also have the desire to learn English well, but do not have the experience of learning english. This paper is written and collated by hellokid English network vd83.com
As the saying goes, a good beginning is half the success, therefore, in the initial stage, to stimulate and cultivate their interest in learning is very important, this is also an important way to mobilize the initiative and enthusiasm of the students.
沒有環(huán)境就沒有教育,要讓學生講一口流利的英語,就要注意環(huán)境的建設(shè)。研究表明,語言活動 好與做某些事情有關(guān),并允許學生使用他們想模仿的語言,以便學生能把聲音的意義和語言結(jié)合起來。一個好的氛圍,學習可以是兩倍努力的結(jié)果。語言是用來表達的,為了讓學生應(yīng)用知識來表達,我們必須創(chuàng)造一種情境來激發(fā)學生的興趣。
1,創(chuàng)造貼近生活的環(huán)境。我們的教材大多具有以下特點:教學內(nèi)容貼近學生生活,符合小學生的興趣要求。如:數(shù)字、色彩、食品、服裝、玩具、動植物、身體、個人、家庭、學校、朋友、體育、節(jié)日、以及周圍的環(huán)境和社會生活。在教學中,教師不可能把真實的情境搬入課堂,但他們可以模擬真實的情境。小學英語教材的這些特點為教師創(chuàng)設(shè)情境提供了良好的素材。教師可以根據(jù)教材內(nèi)容,創(chuàng)設(shè)貼近學生生活、家庭生活或?qū)W校生活的真實情境。例如在動物詞匯的教學中,可以把教室放進動物園,在門口寫“zoo”,用小動物在老師的墻上畫上或掛在動物玩具上,并在旁邊貼上單詞。告訴孩子們,今天我們?nèi)游飯@看看哪些動物 懂動物!這樣,學生們很快就能掌握“動物”這個詞了。
First, create scenarios to stimulate students' interest in learning
No environment, no education, to let students speak good English, we should pay attention to the construction of the environment. Studies have shown that language activities are best associated with doing certain things and allowing students to use the language they want to imitate so that students can combine the meaning of sound with language. A good atmosphere, learning can be twice the result with half the effort. Language is used to express, in order to let students apply the knowledge to expression, we must create a situation to stimulate students interest.
1, create a situation close to life. Most of our textbooks have the following characteristics: the teaching content is close to the students' life, and conforms to the requirements of primary school students' interests. Such as: digital, color, food, clothing, toys, animals and plants, the body, individuals, families, schools, friends, sports, festivals, and the surrounding environment and social life. In teaching, it is impossible for teachers to move real-life situations into the classroom, but they can simulate real situations. These characteristics of primary school English teaching materials provide good materials for teachers to create situations. Teachers can create authentic situations close to student life, family life or school life according to different content of textbooks. For exam in the teaching of animal words, can put the classroom into a zoo, at the door to write "zoo", with a small animal in the teacher the pictures on the walls or hanging on the animal toy, and corresponding beside affixed words. Tell the children, let's go to the zoo today and see which children know most animals! In this way, students will soon be able to master the words "animals".
2, the use of physical creation scenarios. Most of the words in English is that primary school specific things, that imagination is not much, so, the teacher in the teaching on the school supplies, transportation, animals and plants and other categories of words, should as far as possible by physical or physical model to present the new words. Fruits such as word learning, let students bring a variety of fruits, the platform layout of teachers into a fruit shop, students sell fruit in the scene, not only a substantial increase in interest, and learn the words. Imperceptibly, it is too ah!
3. Create scenes with sound music. In the course of teaching, teachers can also teach English songs, combine music and English teaching as a whole, and create a sound environment for students so that students can devote themselves wholeheartedly to it. In the process of singing, you can ask questions according to the content of the song, so that students can extricate themselves from the mechanical, mechanical, monotonous and tense learning environment to eliminate learning fatigue and improve learning efficiency. This paper is written and collated by hellokid English network vd83.com
For exam, the name of the week is long and difficult to read, but students can easily master them by singing. Practice has also proved that, whether from the physiological mechanism, or from the psychological characteristics of children, the use of singing in this form of English teaching, there must be half an effect.









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