Unit 3 Listening and Speaking Word box 1. activity n. 活動 What activities shall we have today? 今天我們將有些什么活動? 2. barbecue n. 燒烤 ...更多 >>
Control Environmental Pollution Today, as the development of the technology, people live a much better life than before, the average wage is...更多 >>
Unit 2 Writing Word box 1. friendly adj. 友好的 The children here are very friendly. 這里的孩子都很友好。 She gives me a friendly smile. 她...更多 >>
Bike-sharing has been advocated by the government in recent years. It offers help to the people who is in a hurry to reach the destination s...更多 >>
Unit 2 Listening and speaking Word box 1. ocean n. 洋,海洋,大海 Have you been to Ocean Park yet, Winnie? 溫妮,你去過海洋公園嗎? There are...更多 >>
近日,hellokid在線少兒英語榮獲企業(yè)家日報社、浙江企業(yè)家理事會聯(lián)合評比的315誠信示范企業(yè)榮譽表彰。 企業(yè)家日報社、浙江企業(yè)家...
2020年5月29日,以起步,就與世界同步為主題的HelloKid在線少兒英語品牌升級發(fā)布會,在杭州白馬湖建國飯店如期舉行。 公司多位領(lǐng)...