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來(lái)源:Hellokid在線英語(yǔ)2020-05-11 19:44:34



It's time to get dressed.                    該穿衣服了。


Hurry up and get dressed.                  快換衣服。


Take your clothes off./Take off your clothes.                  脫衣服。


Now put on your sweater/trousers/shoes/coat/cap.                 現(xiàn)在穿上毛衣/褲子/鞋子/外套/帽子。


What do you want to wear today?                  今天想穿什么?


What would you like to wear today?                   今天想穿什么衣物?


What should I wear?                   穿什么好呢?


I'm thinking about what to wear.                 我在考慮穿什么衣服.


I could not decide whether to wear shorts or a dress。               我還沒(méi)決定到底是穿短褲還是穿套裝.


Why don't you put on this skirt?                   為什么不穿上這條裙子呢?


How about this shirt?                    這件襯衫怎么樣?


Try these sunglasses.                    試試這副太陽(yáng)鏡吧。


This shirt doesn't go with those pants.                   這件上衣和褲子不搭配。


These shoes don't match.                    鞋不配對(duì)。


Is this shirt too tight?                    這件襯衫太緊了吧?


Look, you have a hole in your shirt.                   看,你的襯衫上有個(gè)洞。


You tore these pants and you can't wear them today.                   你的褲子弄破了,今天不能穿了。


You can't go out without shoes.                   (不穿鞋)不許出去.


Are those shoes pinching your toes?                   鞋擠腳嗎?


Your shoes are worn out.                    你的鞋穿壞了。


Your shoes have holes in them.                    你的鞋子破了。


Did you outgrow these pants already? Wow, you're growing fast.                   褲子已經(jīng)穿不了了?哇,你長(zhǎng)得真快.


How did your clothes get so dirty?                    衣服怎么弄得這么臟?


The toothpaste dropped on my shorts.                  牙膏不小心沾到我的褲子上了!


Oh, dear,go get another pair. I'll help you change your shorts.                   哦,親愛(ài)的,快去拿另一條褲子,我會(huì)幫你換上新褲子。


Here's a pretty little shirt for you.                   這件漂亮的小襯衫是給你的.


You have sports today. Don't forget to put on your jogging suit and sneakers.                       今天有體育課,別忘了穿運(yùn)動(dòng)衣和運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋。


Today is Monday. You're supposed to put on your school uniform.                   今天是星期一,必須穿校服。


Where are my clothes for tomorrow?                   你把我明天要穿的衣服收到哪了?


They're in the bedroom closet. (on the couch)                   在臥室的柜子里(抽屜里)(沙發(fā)上)


You can't miss it!                     你不可能找不到的!


Mom, I want to wear my skirt/dress.                    媽媽我想穿裙子。


It's cold today. You'd better put on your pants.                   今天太冷了,還是穿褲子吧。


The temperature is lower today. Put on/wear more clothes.                    今天降溫,多穿件衣服。


Take a vest with you.                    帶上馬甲。


Take extra clothes with you.                    多帶點(diǎn)兒衣服。


It's chilly outside, so don't forget to put on your jacket.                   外面有點(diǎn)涼,把外套穿上。


It's too cold for short sleeves.                    穿短袖太冷了。


Don't go barefoot indoors.                   別在屋里赤腳。


Don't wear sandals outdoors.                    別穿涼鞋出門。


Wrap a scarf around your neck.                   圍一條圍巾。


Putting on a Shirt                  穿上一件襯衫


First put your arm through the sleeve. Now the other one.                   把胳膊伸進(jìn)衣袖中,另一只胳膊。


First slip your arms into the sleeves.                  把胳膊伸進(jìn)衣袖中。


Button the shirt and the cuffs.                   扣上襯衫的鈕扣和袖口。


Straighten your collar.                   拉直衣領(lǐng)。


Tuck your shirt into your pants.                   將襯衫塞進(jìn)褲子里。


Unbutton your shirt.                   解開(kāi)襯衫。


Zip up your jacket, it's cold out.                   拉上夾克拉鎖,外面冷。


Let me button up your shirt.                   讓我來(lái)給你扣上襯衫。


Will you button up the coat by yourself?                   自己把外套扣上,好嗎?


Snap your collar togehter.                    扣好衣領(lǐng)的按扣。


Clasp your collar togehter.                    鉤住衣領(lǐng)的扣環(huán)。


Lift up your leg.                   抬腿.


Step into your pants/shoes, then  pull them up.                   把腳伸進(jìn)褲子/鞋子里,然后提上來(lái)。


Fasten the waistband and zip up the fly.                    系緊腰帶并拉上拉鏈。


Slip a belt through the belt loops and buckle it.                   將皮帶一端插入皮帶環(huán)中并扣好扣環(huán).


Straighten out your legs.                   把腿伸直。


Don't bend your legs.                   別彎腿。


I can't get your pants on with your legs like that.                  你的腿那樣我沒(méi)法給你穿上褲子。


Lace your shoes and then you tie the laces.                   穿上鞋帶,然后系緊。


Stand still./sit still.                   站好/坐好。


You've got your shoes on the wrong way.         你的鞋子穿反了。


The left on the right.          右鞋穿在左腳上了。


Do you know how to tie your shoelaces yet.                 還知道怎么系鞋帶嗎?


Your shirt is buttoned up wrong.                    襯衫鈕扣扣錯(cuò)了。


Your pants are on backwards.                    褲子穿反了。(意:前面穿到后面了)


You can dress yourself.                 你能自己穿衣服。












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