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來源:Hellokid在線英語2020-05-11 19:44:34


        1、感受寧靜 每天花幾分鐘時間,和寶寶靜靜地坐在地板上——沒有音樂,沒有亮光,也沒有游戲.在寧靜中感受周遭的世界.
        Take a few minutes each day and sit quietly on the floor with your baby -- no music, no light, no games, and feel the world around you in peace.
    2、做鬼臉 鼓起你的腮幫子,當寶寶摸你的臉頰,你就吐氣;當他拉你的耳朵,你就吐舌頭;當他摸你的鼻子,你就鄒眉聳鼻……不時地變換方式,讓寶寶有一種新鮮感.
    Make a face and summon up your cheeks. When the baby touches your cheek, you breathe. When he pulls your ear, you spit out your tongue; When he touches your nose, you shrug your shoulders... Change the way from time to time to make your baby feel fresh.
   3、感知容量 準備兩個大小不一的杯子,在洗澡的時候,讓寶寶把水從一個杯子倒入另一個杯子.有的時候會溢出來,有的時候卻裝不滿,那就一起來探討一下哪個杯子大,哪一個杯子小吧.
 perception capacity are two different sizes of the cup, in the bath, let the baby the water from one cup to another cup. Sometimes they will overflow, but sometimes can fill, then come together to discuss which cup is big, which a small cup.
        4、自制動物書 去動物園的時候,給動物拍照,結集成一本相冊.時常拿出來和寶寶一起欣賞,讓他找一找大象、海獅和老虎,你也可以在一旁為動物配音.
 the homemade book to go to the zoo animals, pictures of animals, and collected into a photo album. Often take it out and your baby enjoy together, let him find elephants, sea lions and tigers, you can also on the side for animals.
    5、回憶"過去" 和寶寶一起觀看家庭錄像帶,回顧他第一次洗澡、第一次翻身、第一次叫媽媽,一邊看一邊講述,這不僅能增強寶寶的記憶力,還能提升其語言能力.
 recall "past" and baby's family to watch video, recalling his first took a bath, the first turn, the first call mom, see while telling, it can not only strengthen the baby's memory, also can improve their language skills.
    6、看圖回答問題 找一本寶寶熟悉的圖畫書,指出其中的細節(jié),從抽象到具體向寶寶提問,如"小兔子愛吃蘿卜嗎?"(抽象)或者"小兔子在吃什么呀?"(具體)17.Look at the picture and answer the question to find a picture book that the baby is familiar with, and point out the details, from the abstract to the specific question to the baby, such as "do the little bunny love to eat turnip?" (abstract) or "what's a little rabbit eating?" Cross obstacle (specific)
    7、越過障礙 把沙發(fā)墊、枕頭或靠枕放在地板上,和寶寶一起爬過去,繞過去,看看誰更快.切記要讓寶寶多贏幾次,這樣他才會更有積極性哦.
      the pillows on the sofa cushion, pillow, or on the floor, and baby together to climb in the past, and see who is faster. Remember to let the baby to win a few times more, so he would have more enthusiasm.
    8、點點數(shù)數(shù) 數(shù)一數(shù)樓梯的臺階,數(shù)一數(shù)寶寶的手指,數(shù)一數(shù)家里有幾個人.養(yǎng)成一種大聲數(shù)數(shù)的習慣,很快的,寶寶就會加入其中和你一起數(shù)數(shù)了.
every bits of bit count count the stair, count your baby's fingers, count several peo at home. Get into the habit of a count aloud, soon, the baby will join count together with you.
   9、培養(yǎng)幽默感 指著爸爸的照片叫"媽媽",然后告訴寶寶弄錯了,大家一起為"錯誤"而開懷大笑,在不知不覺中培養(yǎng)寶寶的幽默感.
Cultivate a sense of humor and point to a picture of dad as "mom", then tell the baby that the mistake was made, and everyone laughed at the "mistake" together, and unconsciously nurtured the baby's sense of humor.
    10、雨中游戲 在小水坑里踩踩,在濕草地上坐坐.雖然有點臟,但非常有趣,寶寶會在快樂中感覺干與濕的區(qū)別
In the rain, the game treads in the water pit and sits on the wet grass. Although it is a bit dirty, it is very interesting. The baby will feel the difference between dry and wet in happiness
        11、認識ABC 每周一個英文字母.例如,在冰箱上貼A字母磁貼,吃A字形的餅干,把水果切成A字形.
    For exam, stick A letter on the refrigerator, eat a-shaped cookies, cut the fruit into A shape.









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